Intertwined v0.12.1 Download for Android, Windows, Mac



The story of 'Intertwined' revolves around our protagonist who returns to his hometown after a long time and reconnects with his old family and friends. If you want to download 'Intertwined' on your Android APK, Windows, or Mac, check out the download links below and our guide for the 'Intertwined' game by Nyx.

Game Info

Version 0.12.1
Published on 22 Feb 2024
Developer Nyx
Size 1 GB

Download Links


About Intertwined

The story you described is about an 18-year-old guy returning to his hometown after living with his dad elsewhere for five years. It's all about finding his roots again and connecting with old and new friends and family.

When he gets back, he'll probably go on a journey to figure out who he is and reconnect with people and places from his past. That might mean picking up where he left off with old friends and making new ones along the way.

The title, "Intertwined," suggests that everyone's lives in the story are connected in a complicated way. As he digs deeper into the lives of the folks in his hometown, he might see how tangled up their relationships and feelings are.

How to Install

  1. Download the Intertwined APK from the provided download link.
  2. After downloading, install the Intertwined APK. If you encounter issues such as being unable to install the application, navigate to your device's settings application, then search for "Unknown Sources" and enable this option.
  3. Once enabled, you can easily install any APK on your device.

  1. Download the Windows or Mac version of the Intertwined game, then extract the file.
  2. For Windows, double-click on the .exe file to initiate the game installation.
  3. For Mac, double-click on the .app file to begin the game installation.


Overall, it sounds like a story about feeling nostalgic, finding friendship and love, and realizing how closely linked people's lives can be. It's about the ups and downs of coming home and rediscovering what's been left behind.

Note that when an update is available, we will try to post it to the website as quickly as possible. You should only update from our website so as not to lose the process when playing. {alertInfo}
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